SARS-CoV Spike RBD Rabbit pAb

Phospho-Myosin Light Chain 2-S19 Rabbit mAbPhospho-Myosin Light Chain 2-S19 Rabbit mAb

SARS-CoV Spike RBD Rabbit pAb

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SKU: A20606 分类: ,
货号 A20606
产品名称SARS-CoV Spike RBD Rabbit pAb
供货商名称 Syd Labs, Inc.
品牌名 悉得(Syd Labs)
别称 E2
基因名称 Spike RBD
蛋白名 Spike RBD
Uniprot/Swissprot ID P59594
Entrez GeneID 1489668
克隆性 Polyclonal
来源 Rabbit
反应性 SARS-CoV
偶联 Unconjugated
注意事项 Products will be shipped from the warehouse in Massachusetts. Promotion is running from time to time. Welcome to send a request for quote to
线下下单 武汉多找找科技有限公司 电话: 18162581039 微信: duozhaozhao2024 Email:


The spike (S) glycoprotein of coronaviruses contains protrusions that will only bind to certain receptors on the host cell. Known receptors bind S1 are ACE2, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase-4; APN, aminopeptidase N; CEACAM, carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1; Sia, sialic acid; O-ac Sia, O-acetylated sialic acid. The spike is essential for both host specificity and viral infectivity. The term ‘peplomer’ is typically used to refer to a grouping of heterologous proteins on the virus surface that function together. The spike (S) glycoprotein of coronaviruses is known to be essential in the binding of the virus to the host cell at the advent of the infection process. It’s been reported that SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 coronavirus, 2019-nCoV) can infect the human respiratory epithelial cells through interaction with the human ACE2 receptor.

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