5-Methylcytosine (5mC) Rabbit mAb

Phospho-Myosin Light Chain 2-S19 Rabbit mAbPhospho-Myosin Light Chain 2-S19 Rabbit mAb

5-Methylcytosine (5mC) Rabbit mAb

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SKU: A20599 分类: ,
货号 A20599
产品名称5-Methylcytosine (5mC) Rabbit mAb
供货商名称 Syd Labs, Inc.
品牌名 悉得(Syd Labs)
基因名称 5-methylcytidine
蛋白名 5-methylcytidine
克隆号 ARC50801
克隆性 Monoclonal
来源 Rabbit
反应性 Species independent
注意事项 Products will be shipped from the warehouse in Massachusetts. Promotion is running from time to time. Welcome to send a request for quote to message@sydlabs.com.
线下下单 武汉多找找科技有限公司 电话: 18162581039 微信: duozhaozhao2024 Email: message@sydlabs.com


In the mammalian genome, DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism involving the transfer of a methyl group onto the C5 position of the cytosine to form 5-methylcytosine. DNA methylation regulates gene expression by recruiting proteins involved in gene repression or by inhibiting the binding of transcription factor(s) to DNA. During development, the pattern of DNA methylation in the genome changes as a result of a dynamic process involving both de novo DNA methylation and demethylation. As a consequence, differentiated cells develop a stable and unique DNA methylation pattern that regulates tissue-specific gene transcription.? Intriguingly, postmitotic neurons still express DNA methyltransferases and components involved in DNA demethylation. Moreover, neuronal activity can modulate their pattern of DNA methylation in response to physiological and environmental stimuli. The precise regulation of DNA methylation is essential for normal cognitive function.

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